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The Fraternal Order of Police was founded in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in November of 1915. Since that time it has expanded to forty nine states with over two thousand lodges. The organization is much like other fraternal groups, but it is exclusively for law enforcement officers. 

The most important unit is the local lodge. Any group of ten licensed law enforcement officers can charter a lodge. Each lodge meets on a regular basis and sets its own agenda and calendar. It elects its own officers, and, in turn, sends representatives to the State Lodge. The State Lodge, in turn, provides representation to the Grand (or National) Lodge, and also sends delegates to the biennial national conference

The FOP is run by and for the membership. 

The Burlington County Lodge #2 (New Jersey Lodge No. 2) generally meets once a month to discuss issues that are important to our members.

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Copyright ©2004
Fraternal Order of Police

Burlington County Lodge No. 2
1007 Highland Ave

Cinnaminson, NJ 08077

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